Late Friday we got the email below.
Hey! I'm really sorry, we have been way busy here, especially with training. My new companion is named Elder Perschon, and he is from Spanish Fork, Utah. We have to be ready for the audit on Tuesday, so we're working pretty hard. We have had transfers to finish up with, and then tomorrow I think that we're going to have to try to finish up with audit stuff.
(Leah went to ASU orientation last Friday so we had questions for Jeff about what he would recommend that she take.) Leah, I would definitely take one more class. If I counted correctly, you are taking 14 credits already. If you took one more normal class, it would put you at 17, and I think that's actually what I took my first semester of my freshmen year. Just take something easy, like a lot of the big generals classes are easy. A lot of things that are lecture classes with 200+ students aren't very hard to take and get a good grade in, so I would definitely suggest that. Have you seen your major map yet? Also, when I looked into getting a Spanish minor from ASU, I found out that I think that you are required to live on the ASU West Campus at some point, so it might be good to look into that before starting on that.
With the jury duty, thanks for helping, and just leave it how it is, hopefully I won't have to convict a murderer or something. Don't worry about it, thanks for helping with it. (This is kind of unbelievable but Jeff was selected for jury duty in May. He won't be home for that so he was granted a postponement - until July 23rd, six days after he gets home! Welcome back to "civilian life" I guess!)
With the card, send it to me, envelope and all, as soon as you can to the letter address that is in Florida for the Mission, and then I will activate it from here. (Jeff's debit card expires at the end of this month. I talked to the nice lady at the bank and they can't extend the expiration date for the extra 17 days to get him home so we have to get a new card to him so he will be able to pay for baggage costs and anything extra that he needs those last couple of weeks and on his trip home.)
Thanks! I love you!
Elder DeSpain
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